Download the Plugin and Install

Execute maven.

maven plugin:download
All of this should be put on a single line.

Add DocCheck Report to your project

Via project.xml

Add the maven-doccheck-plugin to the reports section.



Via maven.xml

Register the maven-doccheck-plugin in the postGoal of xdoc:register-reports.


<postGoal name="xdoc:register-reports">
  <attainGoal name="maven-doccheck-plugin:register"/>

For Maven 2.x

Currently, the Maven DocCheck Plug-in only works for Maven 1. However, you can use the maven-javadoc-plugin to generate DocCheck reports.

Before doing anything else, install the doclet itself.

Replace the javadoc report

Add the following to the <reporting> section of your pom.

This will produce the Doc Check Doclet report in place of the javadocs.

With the javadoc report

Most people who will use the Doc Check Doclet will also want to see the actual javadocs.

First, you must use a maven-javadoc-plugin version with MJAVADOC-81 applied. Currently, the only solution is to apply the patch and install it yourself.

Add the following to the <reporting> section of your pom.

              <description>DocCheck documentation</description>
This will produce the Doc Check Doclet report along with the javadocs.